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Age Ranges

From birth to five…

Ashfield House caters for children from birth to five years old and we have different rooms and numbers of staff allocated for each age range:


Babies (0-14/16 months) have a staff ratio of 1:3

Toddlers (14/16 months – 2 years) have a staff ratio of 1:3

Tweenies (2 years – 3 years) have a staff ratio of 1:5

Pre-schoolers (3 years – 5 years) have a staff ratio of 1:8

For the little ones…

Our baby room resources provide a wonderful multisensory experience for the youngest of children – full of texture, light and sound. In addition, all furnishings are at a baby’s level to encourage them to explore or pull themselves up by.

It also features a number of dream coracles that provide an inviting sleep space or cosy retreat for those little ones that are becoming more independent.

Toddlers and Tweenies…

As children move between rooms, the resources change in line with their age and ability taking them to the next stage of their development whilst they still benefit from the carefully planned layout and smaller child/staff ratios.  They are encouraged to become more independent, for example self regulation when tired, expressing their preferences for activities and encouraging them to tidy away once finished.

In each of the age group rooms, activities are arranged in areas with all featuring their own messy play area, construction, role-play and cosy corner areas

Pre School…

Once they reach our huge pre-school room our over-riding aim is to make the transition from nursery to school as seamless and smooth as possible.

The activities will encourage children to think for themselves, solve problems, work with others and communicate confidently so that they eventually leave the nursery with the necessary skills required for school life.

Support child learning and development…

Everything we do supports each child’s learning and development in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage, which spans the following prime and specific development areas, each according to their age:

Prime areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development

Specific areas
Understanding the World
Expressing Arts and Design


Key person…

Your child’s key person will observe your child closely ensuring that all learning milestones are recorded and that the activities planned are meeting their individual development needs.
