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A Typical Day

A host of activities…

Each day is very loosely organised in that in a full day children will have access to messy activities, singing, story times, outdoor play, sleeps if needed, construction, role play, art and design activities and the opportunity to share their life outside nursery (Wow! moments) during group activities.

No two days the same…

Whether it’s a child or adult initiated activity no two consecutive days are the same.  Our supervised activities will include lots of fun and laughter and designed to have learning advantage to them as well.

You can be confident that your child will always be trying something new whether it be indoors or outdoors or even in the sensory room.

Daily reports…

Daily feedback will be given at the end of your child’s session and according to their age may be written or verbal.

The information you will want to know may include their eating and sleeping patterns, fluid intake, toileting progress, emotional well-being and the activities they’ve initiated or joined in with. This will be a concise but informative point of reference so you know exactly how your child has spent their day.

Well topped up…

We serve breakfast, lunch and tea and also morning and afternoon snacks to keep energy levels well topped up. The food offered will depend on the time of your child’s sessions at nursery.
